Tuesday, December 4, 2007


To start this blog off with a bang, here's an animated video out of France titled "Plastik."

I love this animation. The character is sassy and fun, and isn't afraid to jump out there and say big is beautiful too. Granted I think the thin models have their place too and beating up the one on the runway isn't exactly in good taste, but I still laughed. However I'm with it 100% in that sexy big women should be given the same amount of spotlight should we want it.

I give it Aurora's seal of approval!



Anonymous said...

hehe loved that animation! :D Where did you find it?



Aurora said...

RE: pandanapper - Someone linked me to it on youtube a while back. :)

The Nomad said...

Oh snap! Nice vid you found Aurora. I like the new digs. I'll be popping in every now and then, see how things are going here for ya. :)

Much love,
~Skye, the kittywolf